Web 2.0 Booklet

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Furturelab report on using Wikis in schools

Using wikis in schools: a case study,I haven't read it yet.

In case you missed they also have a paper The potential of open source approaches for education
as blogged by Miles

Lots of other interesting stuff on the site, I particulary like the Savannah and Mudlarking in Deptford projects which feature mobile constructivism.

Book Covers

So sorry for the delay. I was almost finished with the print book covers when my order came in for a dedicated server. So I've been climbing into the thin air of a steep learning curve. Very exciting.

Anway, I'm sitting and blogging a conference presentation, and the guy just went into a language I don't understand. Some dialect of Acronymese.

So here are the covers. Click here for the front cover, and here for the back cover.

Let me know how to improve this.

-- dave --

Friday, May 12, 2006

LULU and future versions

1. David, yes I think we should go ahead. I'm working (at least mentally) on a version 2, which bI'll explain more about in due course. Presumably, if the book is updated, it's easy enough to substitute the new version for the old one?

2. If you could reform it if necessary that would be really helpful.

3. I have a version 1.3, which corrects a formatting error, so it would be best to use that I think.

4. I am going to start to collate research via my website.

5. I have a list of blogs/permalinks of blog posts in which a mention of Coming of Age appeared. Do any of you know of a tool that would allow me to copy and paste the whole lot and get a blogroll from it? I don't have the time to do each one manually.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

Electronic Frontier Foundation Info

I just received the information from EFF to make royalies for the sale of "Coming of Age" the hard copy. I can move on this (rather slowly right now) unless anyone has any objections.

Terry, do you have a final version of the PDF that you can send to me. There is a possibility that the paper size will conflict. I know that Lulu only publishes in two sizes. If we have to do some reformatting, I'll be happy to do that, Terry, unless you would prefer. 's up to you!


-- dave --

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Print Version

Now that I have blogger rights, I thought I would elevate this comment out to a full fledged post.

Some Clarification about the print concepts.

Two of my books (and soon a third one) were published through Lulu. I upload the book, answer some questions and they publish it. People come to the page, order and type in their credit card number, and Lulu prints and ships the book, and pays me once a quarter.

Just so you'll know, they ask you how much you want to make on the book. I typed $3. They add in the printing, handling, and their fee and come back saying, "We can sell that book for $15!" or whatever.

What I have suggested to Terry, is that we make the book available in print, as an option, and that proceeds ($3, $5, etc. -- I suggest $5), go to a relevant non-profit organaization. I suggested, the Electronic Frontier Foundation. EFF, who works to protect citizen digital rights (http://www.eff.org/), has a presence in both the US and the EU.

I know that I would like to have a print version. I'm just old fashioned that way.

What do you guys think?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


From the 5 people who have submitted results so far, there have been 2142 downloads that we know about.

Presumably that means that at least 10,000 people have read it?


Removing the Blogger "Next Button"

Hi Folks,

Would anyone mind if we eliminated the "Next Blog" button at the top of the page for this blog?

I just don't like that button especially on blogs that have student access or parent access, none of which likely to apply here.



RSS link for this Blog

Thanks for setting this up Terry.

For those who want to add this Blog to your newsreader, the URL is http://web2booklet.blogspot.com/atom.xml

I wish Blogger would just do that for you but they don’t.


Update: printed web 2 booklet

7 people have voted on Dave's idea, and 6 are n favour, so I say go 4 it. Haven't had time to amend typo in the poll: I meant 80%, not 0%!!!!

No agreement on the price, so why not go for $15? I am thinking, that would equate to £8.33 in UK money -- a bargain! I will probly buy half a dozen in order to give them out. Maybe we could do a few special editions with all our signatures in them, and auction them for lots of money to a worthy cause.

Josie, maybe edublog delegates could be informed about it once we have details.

OK, let's get this discussion on the road!

First off, can we use this for now instead of emails please?

Secondly, please answer this question about a print version by Friday at the latest. As soon as 4 people have voted "Yes", we'll go for it! CoA: Print or not?

Thirdly, I am working on version 1.4!!!

Fourthly, according to my estimats there have been over 1500 downloads, and many more readers. Big pat on the back for all of us I think!