Web 2.0 Booklet

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Print Version

Now that I have blogger rights, I thought I would elevate this comment out to a full fledged post.

Some Clarification about the print concepts.

Two of my books (and soon a third one) were published through Lulu. I upload the book, answer some questions and they publish it. People come to the page, order and type in their credit card number, and Lulu prints and ships the book, and pays me once a quarter.

Just so you'll know, they ask you how much you want to make on the book. I typed $3. They add in the printing, handling, and their fee and come back saying, "We can sell that book for $15!" or whatever.

What I have suggested to Terry, is that we make the book available in print, as an option, and that proceeds ($3, $5, etc. -- I suggest $5), go to a relevant non-profit organaization. I suggested, the Electronic Frontier Foundation. EFF, who works to protect citizen digital rights (http://www.eff.org/), has a presence in both the US and the EU.

I know that I would like to have a print version. I'm just old fashioned that way.

What do you guys think?