Web 2.0 Booklet

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Coming of Age 2nd edition: developments

1. ToC: Mechelle has suggested an article about online and offline identities, but I've challenged her to come up with something that is practical rather than academic! I will update the ToC properly soon. The lastest "official" version is in the previous post.

2. I have just sent this out as a mail-merged email to around 200 people who downloaded CoA. I am also going to email a further 1300 people, but probably in about a month's time as many are on vacation.

Dear «Fname»

First of all, please accept my apologies if you have recently received an earlier version of this email. I inadvertently hit “Send” before I’d completed setting it all up.

Thanks for downloading “Coming of Age: an Introduction to the Worldwide web”. You may be interested to learn that it has been downloaded at least 3,000 times and read, we estimate, by at least 30,000 people! We have plans for a print-on-demand version, with the $3 profit on each sale going to the Electronic Freedom Foundation, and an audio version as well.

I am in the process of creating a second edition, and so it would be really useful if I could include mini case studies of how people such as yourself have used the first edition, and why you found it useful. Just a few sentences would do. I’ll include your name and work details in the write-up, unless you request otherwise.

The main aim of the book was to introduce teachers to these new tools, such as podcasts and blogging, and to give them the knowledge and confidence to try something out for themselves. So, even if you think you have nothing of significance to report, you could be completely wrong! For example, telling me that Mr Jones, who retires next year, did a podcast with his students, or that a teacher you passed the book onto now keeps her own blog, or opened a Flickr account, would be most acceptable! And if you can tell me of any impact the first edition of the book had in the classroom, that would be even better!

At the very least, I would find it very useful to hear how many people you passed the book onto.

I’d need this by 15th September if possible. Could you also let me know if you will be sending me something? If I haven’t heard from you by 1st September I’ll assume that you’re unable to.

Thanks very much, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Terry Freedman
